Chinese-inspired Jambalaya

A few months ago, I joined a Facebook group called Food Bloggers Central founded by the amazing Nagi of RecipeTin Eats and Megan of Culinary Hill. I was blown away by how supportive the bloggers are to one another. Food blogging is often a one-man team and having someone (or a group of like-minded people) who will have your back, when you're trying to figure out how to do the million things that's usually required to maintain a food blog, just helps a ton.

I had already befriended Nagi a while back before joining the group (I interviewed her just last year for my blog series Meet My Inspiration) So when she approached me about being a member of Food Bloggers Central, I immediately said yes.

Fast forward to last month, Nagi had initiated this project called Food Blog Hop. The idea is that each blogger who's interested in the project would be matched with two other bloggers, and we would basically cook each other's recipe.

Then maybe a week later, Nagi being her awesome ambitious self posted a spreedsheet of the big list of bloggers, and who each blogger was matched with. What a task! Bravo, Nagi! I quickly went down the list, and found my name next to Neli of Delicious Meets Healthy. I didn't know Neli before so I starting poking around her blog and spotted something I've been wanting to try - Jambalaya.

If you've been following my posts, you probably have noticed my growing love for Southern cuisine ever since I watched the first episode of A Chef's Life. I mean, I did go after Vivian's chicken and rice, and cooked it back to back for two weekends. Would I take a trip down to North Carolina and eat at Vivian Howard's restaurant, Chef & the Farmer? HECK YEAH, in a heartbeat I would. Did you know that A Chef's Life was just nominated for multiple James Beard Awards? I just love what Vivian is doing and the awesome stories that she's been sharing. It's so inspirational to me. My desire to learn about food and culture has been growing faster than I can keep up, and then when I saw Neli's jambalaya, my light bulb bursted into a shower of meat, vegetables, and rice (insert imagination).

Jambalaya reminds me a lot of Hong Kong style clay pot rice. Clay pot rice is such an iconic Hong Kong winter dish. When I was in the Kong 2 weeks ago, I was thrilled when Emily (who I met on Instagram and spent the day hiking the Dragon's Back with) suggested that we'd get clay pot rice for dinner in Yau Ma Tei.

And it was amazing.

Hong Kong style clay pot rice

I love the similarities between Jambalaya and clay pot rice. Both have meat and vegetables cooked in one pot, and it's so rich and savory, it will just shoot you to the moon and back.

So without having much knowledge about this iconic Southern dish, I went off to find out all kinds of things about the Jambalaya.

Jambalaya is a Louisianan dish that has a lot of French and Spanish influences, and it's made differently depending on the region you're in. Many debate over rather the jambalaya was evolved from the Spanish paella or French Jamalaia, or perhaps both given the region's cultural history with Spanish and French settlers in the 18th Century.

Jambalaya is a lovely and rich stew that has four main ingredients: meats, vegetables, stock, and rice. The most common version is probably the red jambalaya, also known as the Creole jambalaya which is referred to as "city food". Creole jambalaya is more popular near New Orleans, on the Eastern part of Louisiana. The other kind of jambalaya is the brown jambalaya, also known as Cajun jambalaya which is referred to as "country food". And Cajun jambalaya is commonly found in Western and Central Louisiana.

So how the heck do you tell between a Creole and a Cajun jambalaya? The main difference is the use of tomatoes in the Creole jambalaya. And Cajun jambalaya is known as brown jambalaya because of the natural camelization of sugar in meats and veggies in the browning process, and it later gets incorporated into the stock.

After giving both styles some thoughts, I chose to do a Cajun jambalaya over the Creole jambalaya. The Cajun culture and their history reminds me a lot of my Hakka roots. Cajun food is rustic country food that is generally very well seasoned which shares a lot of common ground with Hakka cuisine. Based on the typical Cajun jambalaya recipes, I switched out some things like onion and smoked sausage with Chinese turnip (lor bak) and Chinese sausage (lap Cheong). I also added five-spiced pork belly, fresh ginger, hoisin sauce, garlic chili sauce, and scallion to kick this Chinese-inspired jambalaya into high gear.

I was ecstatic with this Chinese-inspired Jambalaya that's totally comforting with a touch of my Chinese heritage.

Chinese-inspired Jambalaya

Prep time: 35 mins  Cook time: 35 mins  Total time: 1 hour 10 mins Serves: 5-6


  • 1/2 lb skinless and boneless chicken thighs
  • 1 tsp soy sauce
  • 1/8 tsp white pepper powder
  • 1/2 lb pork belly, skinless
  • 1/4 tsp five spice powder
  • 2oz Chinese sausage (lap cheong)
  • 1 tbsp minced garlic
  • 1 tsp minced ginger
  • 1 cup diced Chinese turnip (lor bak), about 1/2" dices
  • 1 cup diced bell peppers
  • 1 1/2 cups long grain white rice
  • 1 tbsp hoisin sauce
  • 2 tsp garlic chili sauce
  • 1 tsp dried thyme
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 3 cups chicken stock
  • 1/2 lb medium or large shrimp, shelled and deveined
  • 3 stalks chopped scallion
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce


  1. Slice pork belly diagonally into 1/4" thick slices. Marinate with five spice powder for 30 minutes.
  2. Cut chicken into 1/2" cubes. Marinate with soy sauce and white pepper powder.
  3. Slice Chinese sausage into 1/8" slices. Set aside.
  4. Mince garlic and ginger, and dice turnip into 1/2" cubes. And dice bell peppers.
  5. Place a Dutch oven over medium-high heat, drizzle about 2 tablespoons of oil, and twirl the pan a couple times to spread oil evenly. Add pork belly, stir several times until meat is browned and caramelized, about 3 minutes. Remove from pan. Add chicken, and cook until it's no longer pink on the outside, about 2. Remove from pan. Add Chinese sausage and let it cook for 2 minutes. Remove from pan.
  6. Turn the heat down to medium, stir in garlic and ginger, cook for 30 seconds. Add turnip and bell peppers, and let it cook for 3 minutes, stir frequently.
  7. Stir pork belly, chicken, and Chinese sausage back into the pot. Add rice and stir. Add hoisin sauce, garlic chili sauce, thyme, oregano, and garlic powder, and stir one more time until everything is mixed well together. Throw in the bay leaves, then add chicken stock. Give it a quick stir, and turn the heat up. Once it boils, return the heat to low, cover and let it cook for 15 minutes.
  8. Sprinkle chopped scallion, and lay the shrimp on top, then drizzle with the lemon juice. Cover and let it cook for another 5 minutes, until shrimp has turn completely pink.
  9. Drizzle 1 to 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, then serve hot.

Chicken and Rice Soup with Choy Sum (菜心雞湯飯)

Guys. I'm obsessed. I don't use that word often but for today's post, I just think it's appropriate. Two things that I'm obsessed with for the past three months: A Chef's Life, and chicken and rice.

The PBS show A Chef's Life reminds me a ton of how I grew up in the countryside of Hong Kong. It also reminds me of how my mom used to run our family restaurant back when I was younger as I watched and helped her prep in the kitchen. By learning about the South from an agriculture and lifestyle perspective, I came to realize that the way of life of the Hakkas and people from the South share a lot of things in common. If you remember reading my Hakka heritage post a while back, I talked about the fact that many Hakka families, like mine, were raised around farming and the countryside. I think the South is beautiful and Southerners truly know how to appreciate food because they understand the work that goes into each grain of rice and each slice of meat.

The Hakka cuisine is also very similar to Southern cuisine with lots of fresh, seasonal, hearty, rustic, and flavorful meals. And it is, too, very regional. I've never lived in the South or know all that much about Southern cuisine other than what I've learned on A Chef's Life and Mind of a Chef with Sean Brock so I can't say that the typical ingredients found in Southern cooking are the ingredients used in Hakka cooking but basics are there. I was delighted to learn that many Southern dishes also celebrate pork as much as the Hakka cuisine does.

Lately, I've been taking Vivian's mom Scarlett's chicken and rice recipe and adapting it into a tong faan (湯飯), which means rice soup in Cantonese. When I used to live with my mom, we would have tong faan often because it's just so damn simple and it's so comforting on those cold winter nights. She would save the pot liquid from boiling choy sum (a leafy green in the mustard family), and we'd fill our bowls with rice then pour the hot vegetable broth into the bowls. It's really that simple. And, of course, dinner would be served with a few other dishes as usual. Tong faan isn't something you'd actually get at a restaurant but it's a comfort food that you'd enjoy at home. And don't mistake the Tong faan with congee or rice porridge (jook) which is much thicker and creamier and often eaten as breakfast in many Asian cultures.

Chicken and Rice Soup with Choy Sum (菜心雞湯飯)

Prep time: 30 mins  Cook time: 1 hour 30 mins  Total time: 2 hours

You'll need:

  • 1 organic whole chicken, about 4lbs
  • 3 sprigs thyme
  • 3 bay leaf
  • 2 tbsp salt
  • 1 1/2 tsp white pepper powder
  • 1/2 bulk garlic, peeled and smashed
  • 1 1/2 cups chopped yellow onion
  • 1 1/2 cups white rice
  • 1/2 lb chopped [i]Choy Sum[/i]
  • 3 stalks chopped scallion


  1. In a large stock pot, put in the chicken, bay leaf, thyme, salt, and white pepper. Fill water up to one inch above the top of the bird. Cook on medium heat for about 1 hour or until the meat has started to fall off the bone. Turn off the heat and let the bird sit in the broth for another 30 minutes. Remove the whole chicken, and discard bay leaf and thyme.
  2. Debone the chicken and tear the meat into small pieces.
  3. Bring the broth back on medium heat, and add the chopped onion and rice. Let it cook for 8 minutes then add the chicken back in the pot along with the chopped choy sum and scallion. Let it all cook for 5 more minutes until the rice has cooked through but not broken. Stir and check the rice frequently.
  4. Serve immediately.


Resist rinsing of the rice as the starch will make the soup richer.

Adapted from Scarlett's Chicken and Rice.

Beef and Shredded Lettuce Fried Rice (生菜牛肉炒飯)

Hello! I know it's been a while since I've shared a recipe but I've just been super busy this holiday season! I'm currently sweating over my 2014 holiday project (check out what I did for the last three years!) Every year, I look forward to December to work on something special like this and I can't wait to share with you all the final product! So today I thought I'd share with you a quick recipe since everyone is spending most of their time prepping for the holidays, and would probably want to stir up dinner quickly! This dish is one of my favorites when it comes to Hong Kong style classics - the Beef and Shredded Lettuce Fried Rice (生菜牛肉炒飯).

Fried rice is one of my comfort foods. And I'm not taking about fried rice from your neighborhood Dragon Palace or Szechuan Garden. I wouldn't eat fried rice from those places even if it's free. It's not them. It's me. (well, it is kinda them a little.) I can't picture people visiting from Italy would want to eat at Olive Garden so forgive me if I'm picky about my fried rice!

I have a handful of favorite Hong Kong style fried rice - the Salted Fish and Chicken Fried Rice (鹹魚雞粒炒飯) is unique, the Yeung Chow Fried Rice (揚州炒飯) is one of the most basics. The Beef and Shredded Lettuce Fried Rice (生菜牛肉炒飯) which is usually made with ground beef but I went with thinly sliced flank steak instead for this recipe.

And I know what you're thinking - cooked lettuce? It's really not as bad as it sounds if you've only been eating raw lettuce all your life. Cooked lettuce with oyster sauce is quite common on the Cantonese dinner table, and one of my go-to veggie as a kid. The trick for cooking lettuce is not to cook it for too long - you want it to be still slightly crispy and definitely not mushy.

I folded in the shredded lettuce into the rice just a few minutes before I turned off the heat. And for the beef, I changed it up by using thinly cut flank steak instead of ground beef. Flank steak is an awesome cut of meat and it's great for marinating. For this recipe, you don't need a whole lot of beef so half of a pound is enough. And like any other fried rice, day-old rice is your best bet. Making fried rice with fresh made rice is sticky business and you don't want to go down that road of eating rice lumps.

So there you have it! An authentic Hong Kong style fried rice made with cooked lettuce which might just surprise ya!

Beef and Shredded Lettuce Fried Rice (生菜牛肉炒飯)

Prep time: 30 mins  Cook time: 15 mins  Total time: 45 mins

Serves: 2

You'll need:

  • 1/2 lb flank steak, cut into paper-thin slices
  • 5 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tsp minced garlic
  • 1 tsp brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp white pepper powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp black pepper
  • 1 tsp rice wine
  • 5 tbsp olive oil
  • 4 cups cooked, day-old rice
  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 1/4 head of lettuce, shredded or sliced into 1/4 inch thick
  • Optional:
  • [url href="" target="_blank"]Huy Fong chili garlic sauce[/url]


  1. Remove day-old rice from the fridge and let it return to room temperature.
  2. Slice flank steak against the grain to paper-thin slices.
  3. Mix the beef with 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, minced garlic, brown sugar, white pepper powder, salt, and black pepper, and rice wine. Let it marinate for at least 20 minutes.
  4. In a heated skillet or wok over high heat, add beef and cook for 5 minutes. Remove beef and set aside.
  5. Add 3 tablespoons of olive oil to the pan, add rice and let it cook for 3-4 minutes. Stir and break apart the bigger lumps. Add the eggs and stir them into the rice. Keep egg pieces small by stirring occasionally. Drizzle more olive oil if needed. Add the beef back into the pan and cook for an additional 3 minutes. Season with more salt and pepper, and 2 tbsp of soy sauce.
  6. Lastly, fold in the shredded lettuce and cook for 2-3 minutes.
  7. Serve hot with chili garlic sauce.

Chicken and Broccoli Baked Rice Hong Kong Style

As a former British colony, Hong Kong cafes or Cha Chaan Tengs have adapted many western ingredients such as cheese, milk, spaghetti, and tomato sauce. That's really how many iconic Hong Kong dishes were born. (Remember that Spaghetti Bolognese I made a while back?) Well today, I'm sending your way another popular dish (made with own my twist) that's fairly common in the Hong Kongese diet. I've been wanting to make a Hong Kong style "baked rice" with cream sauce for a long time but couldn't get pass the idea that I'd have to use cream soup that comes in a can. Until, earlier this week, I discovered how to make it from scratch and decided that it is time to tackle what I though was complicated but turned out to be untrue!

I grew up eating what people of Hong Kong often refer to it as "baked rice" (焗飯) which is kind of like a casserole or a gratin. See, the rice doesn't actually get cooked in the oven like you think it would judging by the name. Lost in translation perhaps?? What it really consists of are simple: meat or seafood on a bed of rice or spaghetti, topped with either tomato sauce or cream sauce, and a layer of cheese on top. You pop it in the oven until the cheese has melted to golden brown. Not feeling plain white rice? Many places would let you substitute it with a simple egg fried rice. And that's what a Hong Kong style "baked rice" is all about!

On one hand, the baked pork chop with rice (焗豬扒飯) is probably the most well-known in the baked rice arena which my friend over at The Missing Lokness had posted a recipe if you're ever interested in making an iconic Hong Kong dish. While the baked pork chop with rice is made with tomatoes and tomato sauce, I'll be sharing with you another kind of baked rice dish today that is made with a cream sauce!

Say hello to this Chicken and Broccoli Baked Rice. Perfect to make for dinner for two! Remember earlier I said the cream sauce is actually really easy to make? Well, get some chicken stock, heavy cream, a dab of butter mixed with flour, and a little white wine in a sauce pan! And don't forget a dash of salt and pep!

Baked rice with cream sauce in Hong Kong is often served with a seafood medley but considering that seafood is not always available to everyone, I thought using chicken and broccoli would be the perfect substitute! And the best part about this dish? It can be versatile so you can ditch the rice and go with pasta if you like!

So go cream that sauce and melt some cheese for dinner!

Chicken and Broccoli Baked Rice Hong Kong Style

Prep time: 25 mins  Cook time: 10 mins  Total time: 35 mins

You'll need:

  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tsp minced garlic
  • 2 cups broccoli florets
  • ½ lb chicken breast, cut into bite-size pieces
  • ½ tbsp unsalted butter, melted
  • 2 cups of cooked white rice
  • 6 tbsp shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1 tbsp dried basil
  • Sauce:
  • ½ cup chicken stock
  • ½ cup heavy cream
  • ¼ white wine
  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter, soften
  • 1½ tbsp flour
  • salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 450°F.
  2. In a sauce pan, add chicken stock, heavy cream, and white wine. Cook on medium heat until it starts to boil then turn the heat on low.
  3. Heat another sauce pan with 3 cups of water (for blanching the broccoli in the next steps).
  4. Mix butter and flour together to form a paste. Stir it into the sauce until the big lumps have melted. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Leave sauce cooking on low for 10 minutes while it reduces and thickens.
  6. Blanch the broccoli for a few minutes, then drain.
  7. In a heated skillet, add olive oil and minced garlic. Cook until fragrant, about 10 seconds. Add chicken and cook for 4 minutes, then toss in broccoli and cook for another 6 minutes.
  8. To assemble each of the two dishes, brush the melted butter on the bottom of the gratin dish, add 1 cup of rice, half of the chicken and broccoli, 4 tbsp of cream sauce, and 3 tbsp of shredded mozzarella cheese.
  9. Put both gratin dishes on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes, until cheese has melted and turn golden brown.
  10. Garnish with a sprinkle of dried basil on top.

Kimchi Fried Rice

Total comfort food – Kimchi Fried Rice / Kimchi Bokkeumbap (김치볶음밥). I can just eat kimchi with a big bowl of rice – lunch or dinner – and I'd be perfectly happy. Good kimchi is never hard to find (at least in New York). Unless you are Korean, then your home will always have homemade (and unique) kimchi. I usually get a jar of it from the store and that works for me just fine.

I honestly don't know a whole lot about kimchi. I'm not sure if there's much more to know about other than the fact that it is: fermented napa cabbage, other vegetables, and LOTS of seasonings; can be paired or made with other Korean dishes; a staple to have in a home; something that every Korean mom can make very well; and yes, spicy.

Kimchi fried rice is just too darn easy to make and enjoy. I don't know why I haven't been making it more often. Have you tried kimchi fried rice? or kimchi pancake? or kimchi sushi?

Kimchi Fried Rice

Prep time: 10 mins  Cook time: 12 mins  Total time: 22 mins

You'll need:

  • 3 cups of day-old rice
  • 3 tbsp of olive oil
  • 3 scallions, chopped, white and green parts separated
  • 1 1/2 cups of kimchi, chopped roughly
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil
  • fresh ground black pepper
  • 1 egg
  • some shredded nori


  1. In a large mixing bowl, drizzle olive oil on the rice and stir.
  2. Chop scallions, separate the white and the green parts.
  3. Chop kimchi roughly, or use a pair of scissors and cut the kimchi in a bowl.
  4. In medium heat, fry the egg, sunny side up. Set aside.
  5. Pour some olive oil onto the same pan, toss in the white scallion. Cook until fragrant, about 1 minute.
  6. Add the kimchi and cook for about 3 minutes, then add the rice. Stir to combine.
  7. Add the soy sauce, sesame oil, black pepper, and the green scallion. Cook for an additional 5 minutes.
  8. Serve with the sunny side-up-egg, and top with some shredded nori.