Hi, It's me, Kayiu.

Hello, my friends! It's been ages since I've written a blog post. And after months of pacing back and forth, I've finally bit the bullet and this new website is born!

Some of you might have known me as the blogger behind Saucy Spatula where I blogged about recipes and other food related topics. But in the recent year, I've cut down my activity drastically on food blogging because of a few reasons... I used to run the blog like a side hustle with an intense editorial calendar that kept me cooking in my tiny Brooklyn kitchen almost every weekend. However, as life moves forward, I decided that I need to shift focus. I wanted more time to work on other projects beside food. This new website will allow me to embrace all the things that I'm passionate about, and it also allows me to showcase my design portfolio. It's a house that I can comfortably sit in and create anything. I believe everyone should always be learning and evolving. And more importantly, everyone should find their motivation and what drives them forward everyday. I have some new ideas that I'd like to try out and this new website would be the perfect vehicle for me to take those ideas on the road and show them to the world. (So I guess it's both a house and a vehicle.. it's like an RV!)

Definitely more to come. Stay tuned. Stay hungry. Be kind to others. Until then... welcome to my new shiny RV, my friends!